How Cannabis Can Help Prevent Veteran Suicides: The Weed for Warriors Project
The Cannabis Trail Blazers Series: Reporting for Duty with the Weed for Warriors Project
The latest statistics released by the Department of Veteran Affairs reveal that, on average, more than 20 U.S. military veterans and active duty service members are taking their own lives each day across this country. The sad truth is that the number is most likely much higher than that.
The VA relies heavily on state-generated data for its statistics. Those states rely solely on death certificates filled out by coroners to produce that data for the VA. Those death certificates are only as accurate as the information entered into them, and that is where discrepancies occur.
For any number of reasons, the coroner may neglect to note that suicide was the cause of death, or even that the deceased was a veteran. If that vet was homeless and lacked the proper ID, or anyone to vouch for him or her, their suicide could easily be misreported. If a vet or active duty service member intentionally overdoses on drugs, it could be ruled accidental. The same goes for automobile fatalities, which account for a measurable amount of suicides each year, but are rarely documented as such.
So the actual number of veterans who take their own lives each day in America is truly unknown. But what we do know is that even one is one too many.
The fact is, active duty service members & military vets are more than twice as likely to commit suicide as their civilian counterparts are.
The latest VA report shows that the total is actually 20.6 suicides every day. Broken down further, 16.8 were veterans and 3.8 were active duty servicemembers, guardsmen and reservists. That amounts to 6,132 veterans and 1,387 servicemembers who died by suicide in 2015 alone.
There are distinct differences in the types of training conducted by the branches of our military, but one thing that they all have in common is that all members of the U.S. military are assigned a status, they form bonds, and they learn to operate in a group setting with virtually everything that they do.
When they get out of the military, many are burdened with a crippling sense of loneliness and a lack of direction. Whether it is having a sergeant tell you to drop and give them 20, or if you’re the Sarge and you get to hold that power over others, many vets miss that lack of structure once back in the world.
Many avoid crowds and social interaction, fearing that strangers won’t be able to relate to them, or empathize with the lingering issues that can come with military service.
But a veteran-founded and operated group by the name of Weed for Warriors is working every day to have a positive impact on the lives of vets, to introduce them to the many benefits of cannabis, and to provide them with the brotherhood and camaraderie that so many of them so dearly miss.
Founded in 2014, the Weed for Warriors Project has found a deep well of support from the cannabis community, allowing them to expand rapidly and potentially reach more vets in need.
Currently, the organization is composed of 14 active chapters:
- Los Angeles, CA
- Sacramento, CA
- San Diego, CA
- San Jose, CA
- Oakland, CA
- Fresno, CA
- Inland Empire, CA
- Stockton, CA
- Orange County, CA
- Las Vegas, NV
- Tampa, FL
- Lake City, FL
- Miami, FL
- Wisconsin