What is White Labeling? And Why is California Targeting it in the Latest Version of Cannabis Regulations?
The California Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) recently released its highly-anticipated new proposed regulations, sending anyone with any stake in Cali’s marijuana industry scrambling to devour the 162 page document.
Adding to the hysteria is the fact that the state is providing just 15 days for advocates and proponents of legal weed to provide official comments and suggestions to the BCC in response to the updated proposals. The 15 days started on a Friday evening. This consumed many people’s weekend trying to make heads or tails of the revised language.
There are many interesting and controversial points worth discussing in the new regulations, but one that has sparked a major internal debate within the California cannabis industry is § 5032 Commercial Cannabis Activity
The meaty portion of the section reads as follows:
All commercial cannabis activity shall be conducted between licensees. Licensed retailers and licensed microbusinesses authorized to engage in retail sales may conduct commercial cannabis activity with customers in accordance with Chapter 3 of this division.Licensees shall not conduct commercial cannabis activities on behalf of, at the request of, or pursuant to a contract with any person that is not licensed under the Act. Such prohibited commercial cannabis activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Procuring or purchasing cannabis goods from a licensed cultivator or licensed manufacturer.
- Manufacturing cannabis goods according to the specifications of a non-licensee
- Packaging and labeling cannabis goods under a non-licensee’s brand or according to the specifications of a non-licensee.
- Distributing cannabis goods for a non-licensee.